The Fire Station Donates to Blue Star Service Dogs
In August 2022, the Fire Station Cannabis Company partnered with High Life Farms to raise money and awareness for Blue Star Service Dogs, a mission-focused organization whose mission is to provide military veterans diagnosed with PTSD and TBI another method of healing through service dogs and training.
Customer donations across seven TFS locations during the August campaign totaled $381.77. The Fire Station matched that amount and sent a total of $763.54 to the Blue Star Service Dogs.
Total donations from The Fire Station Cannabis Company, High Life Farms and other dispensaries totaled $8,000.

About the Blue Star Service Dogs
“Our mission is to provide our military veterans diagnosed with PTSD and TBI another method of healing through service dogs and training. Through our programs, we seek to help heal visible and invisible wounds, provide families with new beginnings, and raise awareness about the potential of shelter and rescue dogs everywhere.”

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